7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A - 21/5/2023 - Gospel: Mt 28: 16-20
God Is With Us
A human life is a circle with its starting and ending points. When the two points meet; it is the completion of a human life on earth. For those who don't believe in Jesus; the starting point of life is at birth, and its ending point is on the last breath. For the followers of Jesus, our starting point is at the will of God, and when we have completed our earthly journey; we will return to where we first come from. We will meet our loving God face to face. Jesus' birth and Ascension reveals the circle of life of each human life. His birth reveals the resurrection; His resurrection reveals the Ascension. We celebrate His Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension as one single mystery of the Incarnation- Immanuel- God is with us.

Jesus' earthly life began at the Annunciation when Mary said 'Yes' to the angel. His earthly mission is completed at the Feast of the Ascension. From the Emmanuel- God is with us- to the Ascension is the full circle of Jesus' earthly life. We understand none of these four mysteries: Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. They are for us to believe, not to understand. The purpose of these mysteries is not to reveal the mystery of human life, but rather through Jesus, God shows his love for mankind. Through Jesus, we know the way to the Father, as Jesus himself told his disciples that He is the Way, and those who follow His way will end up at His Father's house. Elsewhere, Jesus told them again; that He is going before them to prepare a place for them and after He had prepared the place; He will return to take them with him, so where He is they may be there too. This promise confirms our eternal destination. Jesus reveals God's love for us by allowing the Baptised to call God as their Father. This revelation is understood by Jesus' command to make disciples. He told them:

'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations......And remember, I am with you always, to the end of time'. v.20.

The Ascended Lord becomes invisible to his disciples. They stood in the open and looked into an empty sky. The voice from on high reminded them that the Ascension is the birthday of the Church mission. The mission is given to all believers. They are to make disciples of all nations. All believers share the universal baptism formula- Baptising in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. All are called to follow His way and love. His way is to live for others. His love is to make disciples of all nations. God's love has brought us into beings. God's love gathers us into His Church. God's love allows us to call God our Father. God's love is with us always, till the end of time, and finally, God's love gives us eternal life.

We are called to live and share God's love to everyone. We embark on the mission because we are commissioned by Jesus, when he told them,

'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me'.

We do the divine mission with the belief that Jesus is invisible amongst us wherever and whenever we gather in his name. We do the divine mission with the divine power, baptise them in the name of the Holy Trinity, and teach them what Jesus has taught us. This divine mission is the mission of all Christian parents, starting from a private home, known as a domestic church. Parents have the divine power to teach their children about God's love and mission. They do it by example, making God's commandment visible to their children through acts of charity and love.

We pray for the grace to fulfil the command to make disciples for Jesus.