 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B - 22/7/2012 - Gospel: Mk 6, 30-34
The apostles rejoined Jesus and told him all they had done and taught. Mk 6:31

Jesus told them…
You must come away to some lonely place all by yourselves and rest for awhile.  v 32.

Jesus could see the Apostles' excitement from their good results and also recognized their stress from being rejected in their struggle to spread the Word.  He knew that they needed rest.  The advice to take a rest seems to be a very ordinary one but it is significant because it came from Jesus, the Eternal Shepherd.  It indicated that Jesus cared for the mission fields and for those who were being sent by Jesus.  He further extends his loving care to the crowds.

He saw a large crowd and he took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd.  v 34

We all need love and care from the Eternal Shepherd on our faith journey.  As Christians we need to model ourselves on the Eternal Shepherd and be shepherds for one another.  We need to care for our co-workers and for those whom we serve.

God shepherds his people with loving care and shows more concern for the ones who have separated and run away from the flock.  Jesus, the Eternal Shepherd, walks not at the back but in front of the sheepfold to  give guidance and protection because…

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
No one can come to the Father except through me.  Jn 14:6.
